To the Working Woman… 

May I start off by saying- you do a bloody good job! An amazingly efficient and brilliant job. If no one has applauded you for all your hard work, strength and dedication, consider this your encore. 
You may think that you are alone and that no one notices how hard you graft but we notice. Yes ‘we’! There are a good number of us working those door to door 12 hour days and still coming home to organise dinner, changing sheets, do washing up and fold the laundry away. And that’s on a weeknight!

We have to hand it to ourselves, we deserve to be cherished because if there ever was a definition of a ‘helpmate’ we are definitely it! I mean as crazy as it may sound- our great grandparents didn’t have these pressures we face now. The modern woman drives, works full time, provides a decent income, has children and gets right back to making that money! not to mention taking care of her home and her partner simultaneously. 

 There are so many rules in society when it comes to being a woman but somethings got to give. We are not the impossible standard that society sets us up to believe we should be. We create our own standards based on the kind of life we want to live, the partner we want to attract and the person we want our children to look up to one day. That is why we work hard. Because being efficient and direct and hard working doesn’t make you a bitch. After all, You’re not bossy, You’re a boss!

I just had to take a minute to encourage someone. Never feel that you are failing because you are struggling to ‘do it all’. Take it one day at a time and one task at a time and most importantly do it in your own time, for yourself. Never doubt whether you are Superwoman or not. Because we all know that you sure are! 

So while your doing a million and one things every day of the week… Remember to look after yourself, find time to exercise and eat well and remain as beautiful as you are on the inside and out x 


7 thoughts on “To the Working Woman… 

  1. I have read this post quite a number of times and on each occasion I have had a sigh or relief to know I am not alone out there. Striving for the best in all aspects of my life while also trying to make sure I do not spread myself too thinly and this has been the a struggle but I wake up put my positive hat on and hope and pray for the best as I push through.

    Thank you for this.


  2. I love the way you write! This post is accurate on so many levels. It’s difficult as women or shall I speak for myself when I work so hard at work and come home to do the same, I’m learning to pat myself on the back and reward myself .
    Learning to appreciate the ‘Wonder Women’ around me also.

    Look forward to reading more!


  3. Great piece! Something women or anyone working hard should read and be able to relate to…I know I did. Looking forward to more posts from you!


  4. I can’t tell you how much I relate to your piece above- thank you for writing what so many of us feel. I don’t even have to take care of a partner or kids when I get home and I am still just about holding on! It fascinates me that even though men and women are both working these days, women still do most of the housework/ childcare- apparently even when the husband is not working!! That is insane!!
    We should encourage each other as women, and also not be afraid to ask for help- it is a sign of strength, not weakness to acknowledge that you need help and ask for it.And it is important of finding a way to ‘check-in’ with yourself, take care of yourself so that you don’t burn out.
    Keep doing what you’re doing Jessica- it is much appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m here itching to leave comment which conveys how great I felt your blog was but I’m so lost with where to start. Do I start by thanking you for writing about a subject that I can identify with and something that I wish more women spoke about? Or do I start by saying how much I agreed with your every word and how I respect you for airing the struggle of the working woman who very much wants to take care of her career, home, family AND self, WITHOUT putting down the mate that we help.
    It’s not any easy job but I think it’s about learing HOW to make it easier.

    Women remember how great you are! Women remember yourself!

    Women let’s keep talking about this.



    1. Thank you for writing such a relatable post and for reminding women to take time and look after themselves as well! It’s overwhelming the pressures that are put on women these days to be the superwoman when they already are!
      Looking forward to the next one!


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